Join me (Joanne Price) for a short virtual presentation titled Wood Engraving Disasters followed by a Q&A style discussion hosted by the Wood Engravers Network (WEN) on Sunday March 21 at 3pm Central Time (US)!
Craa-ack! As relief print artists we don’t talk often about the mistakes, accidents, or failures that lead us to a final composition, color choice, or resolution. Or how those accidents sometimes have nothing to do with aesthetics, rather they were hard lessons about materials, physics, chemistry, patience, and/or common sense. So, I’m going to share my most embarrassing wood engraving mishaps with hopes that we can have a great discussion, learn from others’ mistakes, and swap disaster stories! – Joanne Price
Anyone is welcome to join the conversation (you don’t need to be a WEN member) — bring your disaster stories and your questions — this should be a cracker!
If you missed this exciting event, WATCH THE RECORDING:

Find out what disaster struck this reductive self portrait…