Fire Of the Sun


A print with a 2-color relief engraved image & hand-set metal type on Zerkall Book paper.

8 in stock


A 2-color relief engraved image and hand-set with Arrighi metal type printed on Zerkall Book paper.

The quote is from Mary Carolyn Davies’ “Fire of the Sun” in The Drums in Our Street: A Book of War Poems originally published by MacMilllan Co., NY, 1918. This print is in honor of 2025’s solar maximum: the sun’s most active year in its 22-year cycle.

Edition of 50, signed by the artist.
Image size: H 5.5 x W 3.75 inches
Paper size: H 9 x W 6 inches (Octavo)

All prices are for unframed prints.
Starpointe Studio creates authentic, traditionally hand-crafted prints in exclusive limited editions. High quality attention and care go into each print. Starpointe Studio artist, Joanne Price, draws, carves and prints each image by hand.