An original hand engraved image on HIPs plastic, hand printed on white paper.
This was a print created for Something Wicked This Way Comes, a portfolio exchange project organized by Johanna Mueller. Who doesn’t love a theme that involves mythology, Macbeth, Ray Bradbury and science fiction? Mine print takes a quote from Hecate talking to the three witches in a version of Macbeth. See a video of the process on my YouTube channel:
Limited edition of 35, signed and numbered.
Image size: H 9 x W 6.5 inches
Paper size: H 12 x W 9 inches
All prices are for unframed prints.
Starpointe Studio creates authentic, traditionally hand-crafted prints in exclusive limited editions. High quality attention and care go into each print. Starpointe Studio artist, Joanne Price, draws, carves and prints each image by hand.