This is a detail (not the whole image) of my new woodcut which will be printed at the Western New York Book Arts Center’s 5th Annual Buffalo BookFest, Saturday July 9th 11am–5pm! Right now the drawing is set on a two foot by three foot piece of MDF and you can see the different colored sharpie markers that help me separate areas of the drawing while also increasing the contrast and visibility for areas that I cut away. I’m going to be carving this beast all week long – yes, this week – at the Western New York Book Arts Center in downtown Buffalo.
Come join the fun! Channel that creativity AND be part of something bigger – something supportive and satisfying!
Take a one night workshop with me to create a large collaborative print! Each participant will carve a 6″ x 8″ linoleum block (including me) to be collaboratively printed into a large piece the day of BookFest – with the Steamroller! Each participant will print an individual proof of their block the evening of the workshop.
Workshop participants are required to bring a sketch/idea to the workshop, approximately size 6″ x 8″. There is no theme, and each participant will receive their own block. I will also bring some ideas if people need a little creative nudge. Carvings will be on unmounted linoleum, and kept to print for the BookFest on Saturday, July 9th 11am-5pm. Blocks can be picked up the night of, or anytime the week after, Wednesday-Saturday, 12-6pm. Sign up today!
Want to participate in another/additional way? Sure! I’m so excited to be the featured artist at a special meet-and-greet Happy Hour hosted by and held at the Western New York Book Arts Center (Buffalo, NY) Thursday July 7th 5:30–8pm. The event will preview my large scale woodcut before block and steamroller finally meet and make prints this Saturday – I sure hope I have it finished by then! Book Fest and the Happy Hour are free events – I look forward to seeing you there!