Clapping Fire


2-color relief engraving on Zerkall Book paper.
Original print.

3 in stock


An original 2-color relief engraving maple end grain wood and high impact polysytrene, printed on Zerkall Book paper.

This color image is one of nine illustrations commissioned by Larkspur Press for NY Times best-selling author, Sena Jeter Naslund’s special edition of When Children Ruled the World: A Christmas Story.
Limited edition of 25, signed and numbered.
Image size: H 3.675 x W 3 inches
Paper size: H 6.25 x W 6.75 inches

All prices are for unframed prints.
Starpointe Studio creates authentic, traditionally hand-crafted prints in exclusive limited editions. High quality attention and care go into each print. Starpointe Studio artist, Joanne Price, draws, carves and prints each image by hand.